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Ispirazione per una cameretta per bambini tradizionale
Surface to Surface Interior Design/Construction
Surface to Surface Interior Design/Construction
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle42 RecensioniGuarda il profilo


A view of a large playroom. The custom stage was distressed to look like it was originally somewhere else ages ago and moved to the room. It lights up around the stage area and has a spotlight and 2 microphones. The wardrobe area is next to the stage, filled with dress up clothes, shoes, jewels, wigs etc and a full length swivel mirror. The stage was hand painted by me and can double as play space when no one is performing. The window seat is also a large toy box. The entire room was designed and built by us.

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Beccy Pinker lo ha aggiunto a My ideas17 settembre 2024

dressups area/ rack

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