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Patii e Portici rustici - Foto e idee

Multiple Level Patio
Multiple Level Patio
Patio set on multiple levels in a combination of natural stone and interlock. Multiple steps between patios and gardens dispersed throughout. Project completed with Gerald Grieve Landscape Group.
Sag Harbor Cottage
Sag Harbor Cottage
LightBox ImagingLightBox Imaging
Tito Saubidet
Esempio di un portico stile rurale di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con pavimentazioni in mattoni e un tetto a sbalzo
Arbors & Trellises
Arbors & Trellises
Earth Environments LLCEarth Environments LLC
Foto di un patio o portico rustico dietro casa con pavimentazioni in mattoni
Best of Houzz 2025: ecco i vincitori!
Our Work
Our Work
Original Bruce DesignsOriginal Bruce Designs
You don't need to keep saying "serenity now" it automatically invades you.
Ispirazione per un grande patio o portico stile rurale dietro casa con ghiaia e un gazebo o capanno
Petaluma Hillside Garden
Petaluma Hillside Garden
FDC Design BuildFDC Design Build
Esempio di un piccolo portico rustico dietro casa con una pergola
Mountain Cabin
Mountain Cabin
Confluence ArchitectureConfluence Architecture
Heavy timber and steel grape arbor and sun shade on south patio
Idee per un piccolo patio o portico rustico nel cortile laterale con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e nessuna copertura
Rustic Crestview Backyard Retreat
Rustic Crestview Backyard Retreat
Native Edge LandscapeNative Edge Landscape
Another fun Crestview project! This young couple wanted a back yard that reflected their bohemian-eclectic style and could add additional privacy from the ever climbing construction around them. A place for “hanging out and drinking coffee or beer in the backyard.” But what was most exciting, was the air stream they had just purchased and were in the process of restoring. With the end goal of using it as a guest home for family and friends, we were challenged with creating a space that was cohesive and connected this new living space with the rest of the yard. In the front we had another quark to fix. The sidewalk from their front door to the street suddenly stopped 5 feet from the curb, making a less than inviting entry for guests. So, creating a new usable entryway with additional curb appeal was a top priority. We managed the entertainment space by using modern poured concrete pad’s as a focal. A poured concrete wall serves as a bench as well as creates a visual anchor for the patio area. To soften the hard materials, small plantings of succulents and ground cover were planted in the spaces between the pads. For a backdrop, a custom Cedar Plank wall and trellis combined to soften the vertical space and add plenty of privacy. The trellis is anchored by a Coral Vine to add interest. Cafe style lighting was strung across the area create a sense of intimacy. We also completed the fence transition, and eliminated the grass areas that were not being utilized to reduce the amount of water waste in the landscape, and replaced these areas with beneficial plantings for the wildlife. Overall, this landscape was completed with a cohesive Austin-friendly design in mind for these busy young professionals! Caleb Kerr - http://www.calebkerr.com
Esempio di un patio o portico rustico nel cortile laterale con pavimentazioni in mattoni e una pergola
Lodi perimeter overflow pool
Lodi perimeter overflow pool
Spring Creek Watergardens and LandscapeSpring Creek Watergardens and Landscape
michael saia
Immagine di un patio o portico rustico dietro casa con cemento stampato e una pergola
Hillside Patio
Hillside Patio
B.DeMichele Inc.B.DeMichele Inc.
A flight of step leads down to a small patio perched on the hillside
Ispirazione per un piccolo patio o portico rustico dietro casa con pavimentazioni in cemento e nessuna copertura
Petaluma Hillside Garden
Petaluma Hillside Garden
FDC Design BuildFDC Design Build
Idee per un piccolo patio o portico rustico dietro casa con lastre di cemento e una pergola
Gardens Along Fence
Gardens Along Fence
Garden between fence and patio. Project completed with Gerald Grieve Landscape Group.
Ispirazione per un patio o portico rustico dietro casa e di medie dimensioni con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e nessuna copertura
Our Work
Our Work
Hinkle Landscaping and Design Co.Hinkle Landscaping and Design Co.
Clematis 'Jackmanii' is a clematis cultivar which, when it was introduced in 1862, was the first of the modern large-flowered hybrid clematises of gardens. Interestingly, it remains a time-proven classic climber still used today.
Ispirazione per un portico rustico dietro casa con pedane
Evergreen Acres
Evergreen Acres
Carleen GosneyCarleen Gosney
Caleb Melvin
Idee per un ampio patio o portico rustico dietro casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e nessuna copertura
Outdoor Artisan, Inc.Outdoor Artisan, Inc.
Photo taken by Tracie Newey
Immagine di un patio o portico stile rurale di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale e nessuna copertura
Mountain Pool Oasis, Cream Ridge, NJ
Mountain Pool Oasis, Cream Ridge, NJ
Garden Artisans LLCGarden Artisans LLC
Fall foliage, new natural stone, and new pool plantings are making our Cream Ridge pool renovation project shine this fall! We are excited to see it blossom in 2025! Black Limestone Pool Deck, Blue Limestone Pool Coping & Treads, Natural Stone Veneer Pool Wall, Drainage, & Landscape Lighting Designed & Built by Garden Artisans. www.gardenartisansllc.com
Rediseño de patio exterior en la joya etapa opalo
Rediseño de patio exterior en la joya etapa opalo
Eduardo FajardoEduardo Fajardo
Nuestro cliente tenia un patio muy sencillo y quiso que le modifiquemos un patio diferente y que apliquemos palets implementamos materiales como estos que ayudan al medio ambiente y dandole un estilo rustico a su patio
Arroyo Seco ConstructionArroyo Seco Construction
Large arbor and outdoor entertaining area created for Lake Cachuma State Park.
Ispirazione per un patio o portico stile rurale di medie dimensioni e dietro casa

Patii e Portici rustici - Foto e idee

Wood Garden Walls
Wood Garden Walls
Dedico DesignDedico Design
Esempio di un patio o portico rustico dietro casa con ghiaia e nessuna copertura
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