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Idee per una scala minimal

Palace Gardens - Straight Staircase, Metal Balustrade

This stunning 3 flight staircase in a very fashionable residence in central London would be a strong contender for a design award if the client so wished. Each flight is cantilevered from the party wall thus giving the inner stringers a shallow profile. The treads are made from matt black marble with the risers and soffit in fibrous plaster. Rarely has the beauty of a balustrade been so unashamedly displayed. We had to work hard to design a feasible solution that satisfied both the Architects and the structural requirements. The unusual combination of nickel plated components, interdispersed with matt powder coated mild steel, and leather clad handrail gives this staircase a touch of sheer elegance. The balustrade posts on the landings are held in position using a concealed plate under the hardwood timber floor boards. This allows the floor boards to be pre-drilled to accept the balustrade. A small, but very important and effective detail.
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