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Foto di una cucina classica di medie dimensioni con lavello stile country, ante in stile shaker, ante blu, top in quarzite, paraspruzzi bianco, paraspruzzi con piastrelle in ceramica, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in gres porcellanato, pavimento grigio, top grigio e soffitto a volta
PlaceDesign Kitchens and Interiors
PlaceDesign Kitchens and Interiors
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle45 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

New Cross Side return

This beautiful light filled space was designed with a busy growing family in mind. For example -the bench seating by the dining table has lots of storage for the kids toys and play equipment nice and close to the garden. There is a large pantry, a breakfast cupboard, nice deep pan drawers and peg boards to help organise crockery. The island houses a large double butler sink, dishwasher, recycling bin, wine chiller, bookshelf and a large breakfast bar capped with a gorgeous piece of London Elm rescued from storm damage. The client has some beautiful house plants and the live edge on this piece of elm adds another organic element to this room and helps bring the outside in. Just a beautiful functional space.
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