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Ispirazione per un grande campo sportivo coperto chic con pareti bianche e parquet chiaro
VanderHorn Architects
VanderHorn Architects
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle43 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Mid-Country Tudor

A new English Tudor Style residence, outfitted with all the amenities required for a growing family, includes this third-floor space that was developed into an exciting children’s play space. Tucked above the children’s bedroom wing and up a back stair, this space is a counterpoint to the formal areas of the house and provides the kids a place all their own. Large dormer windows allow for a light-filled space. Maple for the floor and end wall provides a warm and durable surface needed to accommodate such activities as basketball, indoor hockey, and the occasional bicycle. A sound-deadening floor system minimizes noise transmission to the spaces below.
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