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Idee per la facciata di una casa contemporanea a due piani con rivestimento in pietra
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Knollwood Remodel Exterior

The key goal in developing the design for the renovation of this existing 50-year-old residence was to provide a livable house, which would frame and accentuate the owner’s extensive collection of Mid-century modern furnishings and art while blending its existing character into a modern 21st century version of the style. The kitchen was artfully collaborated on with the home's owner, who is the owner and chef of one of Austin's premiere restaurants. Extensive living areas were recouped and added to from the home's original design. The master suite was taken to the second floor and wrapped in glass to take advantage of the coveted Texas Hill Country vistas. Approximately seventy percent of the original home was kept, replacing only the small existing kitchen and master bedroom. Material selections were chosen based on sustainable criteria to make this remodel a "green" gem as well as a museum of modern furniture. Photography by Adam Steiner

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Sheggy A lo ha aggiunto a Exteriors28 gennaio 2022

Combination of bricks, cladding and lighting

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