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Foto di una cameretta per bambini da 1 a 3 anni stile marinaro di medie dimensioni con pareti rosa e parquet chiaro
Interiors by Maite Granda
Interiors by Maite Granda
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle58 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Key Biscayne Beach House

Project Feature in: Luxe Magazine & Luxury Living Brickell From skiing in the Swiss Alps to water sports in Key Biscayne, a relocation for a Chilean couple with three small children was a sea change. “They’re probably the most opposite places in the world,” says the husband about moving from Switzerland to Miami. The couple fell in love with a tropical modern house in Key Biscayne with architecture by Marta Zubillaga and Juan Jose Zubillaga of Zubillaga Design. The white-stucco home with horizontal planks of red cedar had them at hello due to the open interiors kept bright and airy with limestone and marble plus an abundance of windows. “The light,” the husband says, “is something we loved.” While in Miami on an overseas trip, the wife met with designer Maite Granda, whose style she had seen and liked online. For their interview, the homeowner brought along a photo book she created that essentially offered a roadmap to their family with profiles, likes, sports, and hobbies to navigate through the design. They immediately clicked, and Granda’s passion for designing children’s rooms was a value-added perk that the mother of three appreciated. “She painted a picture for me of each of the kids,” recalls Granda. “She said, ‘My boy is very creative—always building; he loves Legos. My oldest girl is very artistic— always dressing up in costumes, and she likes to sing. And the little one—we’re still discovering her personality.’” To read more visit: https://maitegranda.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/LX_MIA11_HOM_Maite_12.compressed.pdf Rolando Diaz
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