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Hallmark Floors - Puebla - Hickory, Monterey Collection

The Floor Works, in Bethlehem, New Hampshire is a retailer for Hallmark Floors. This is the Moderno Collection. Creating a New demand for random width, by using tomorrows technology, has lead to the development of the Monterey Hardwood Collection. Available in maple and hickory, with a combined width of 4”, 6”, and 8” and random lengths up to 6’. Using proprietary Trueslice® technology, Hallmark is producing a very stable 2mm sliced face on a 1/2” thick (total) engineered plank making it simply savvy. The slice face visuals mimic that of sawn face with a tighter, higher-end grain look than typical rotary cut products currently offered by the competition. Topped off with our incredibly durable Truemark Glaze Tek Poly Finish, Monterey is a definite game changer. Simply Better…Discover Why.
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