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Immagine di un ampio angolo bar con lavandino country con lavello sottopiano, ante con bugna sagomata, ante grigie, top in quarzo composito, paraspruzzi multicolore, paraspruzzi con piastrelle di vetro, pavimento in laminato, pavimento beige e top grigio
MacLaren Kitchen and Bath
MacLaren Kitchen and Bath
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle26 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Grey Quartz Wet Bar and Dining Area in West Chester Basement

Design, Fabrication, Install & Photography By MacLaren Kitchen and Bath Designer: Mary Skurecki Wet Bar: Mouser/Centra Cabinetry with full overlay, Reno door/drawer style with Carbide paint. Caesarstone Pebble Quartz Countertops with eased edge detail (By MacLaren). TV Area: Mouser/Centra Cabinetry with full overlay, Orleans door style with Carbide paint. Shelving, drawers, and wood top to match the cabinetry with custom crown and base moulding. Guest Room/Bath: Mouser/Centra Cabinetry with flush inset, Reno Style doors with Maple wood in Bedrock Stain. Custom vanity base in Full Overlay, Reno Style Drawer in Matching Maple with Bedrock Stain. Vanity Countertop is Everest Quartzite. Bench Area: Mouser/Centra Cabinetry with flush inset, Reno Style doors/drawers with Carbide paint. Custom wood top to match base moulding and benches. Toy Storage Area: Mouser/Centra Cabinetry with full overlay, Reno door style with Carbide paint. Open drawer storage with roll-out trays and custom floating shelves and base moulding.
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