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Esempio di una grande stanza da bagno padronale chic con ante con bugna sagomata, ante bianche, piastrelle beige, piastrelle in gres porcellanato, lavabo sottopiano, top in quarzite, doccia alcova, vasca da incasso, WC a due pezzi, pareti bianche, pavimento in gres porcellanato, nicchia e panca da doccia
Jordan Design + Build Group
Jordan Design + Build Group
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle32 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Glencroft Rd Master Bathroom

For this renovation, the basic layout functioned well for the homeowners, but the bathroom was feeling dated and in need of an overhaul. We replaced a bulky tub deck with a more scaled back and refined surround, complete with a paneled front to match the custom his and hers vanities. A wing wall was removed to allow light in and create a more open feel. A prefabricated shower pan and dated sliders were replaced with a custom tiled shower and frameless glass. We used a combination of natural travertine and porcelain tiles to provide visual warmth to the expansive bathroom. The antiqued/glazed vanities and the exotic quartzite countertops with their subtle coloration and veining further convey the homeowner’s classic style. Stacy Zarin Goldberg Photography
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