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Giardini scandinavi davanti casa - Foto e idee

Moderner Vorgarten mit Gräserpflanzung und Felsenbirne
Moderner Vorgarten mit Gräserpflanzung und Felsenbirne
Gartendesign HomannGartendesign Homann
Ispirazione per un giardino scandinavo di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in primavera
The London Gardener LtdThe London Gardener Ltd
We were asked to design and plant the driveway and gardens surrounding a substantial period property in Cobham. Our Scandinavian clients wanted a soft and natural look to the planting. We used long flowering shrubs and perennials to extend the season of flower, and combined them with a mix of beautifully textured evergreen plants to give year-round structure. We also mixed in a range of grasses for movement which also give a more contemporary look.
The London Gardener LtdThe London Gardener Ltd
We were asked to design and plant the driveway and gardens surrounding a substantial period property in Cobham. Our Scandinavian clients wanted a soft and natural look to the planting. We used long flowering shrubs and perennials to extend the season of flower, and combined them with a mix of beautifully textured evergreen plants to give year-round structure. We also mixed in a range of grasses for movement which also give a more contemporary look.
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Schiefer - Naturstein - Trockenmauer Slate - natural stone - dry stone wall Verbena bonariensis - Eisenkraut - Argentinian vervain Stipa gigantea Stipa tenuissima Thymus praecox Pinus mugo Rocks Clematis Magnolia Salvia Achillea filipendula 'Feuerland'
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Verbena bonariensis - Eisenkraut - Argentinian vervain Stipa gigantea Stipa tenuissima Thymus praecox Pinus mugo Santolina Lavandula Rocks Phlomis Clematis Magnolia Salvia
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Stachys byzantina - Santolina chamaecyparissus Wollziest - Heiligenkraut Lamb's Ears - Cotton lavender
Foto di un giardino scandinavo esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa
The London Gardener LtdThe London Gardener Ltd
We were asked to design and plant the driveway and gardens surrounding a substantial period property in Cobham. Our Scandinavian clients wanted a soft and natural look to the planting. We used long flowering shrubs and perennials to extend the season of flower, and combined them with a mix of beautifully textured evergreen plants to give year-round structure. We also mixed in a range of grasses for movement which also give a more contemporary look.
Цветники в стиле new perennials / ООО "РусВинил"
Цветники в стиле new perennials / ООО "РусВинил"
Максим ШкиревМаксим Шкирев
Immagine di un giardino xeriscape nordico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa
Цветники в стиле new perennials / ООО "РусВинил"
Цветники в стиле new perennials / ООО "РусВинил"
Максим ШкиревМаксим Шкирев
Foto di un giardino xeriscape nordico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa
Oak Studded Hills - Frontyard Terrace
Oak Studded Hills - Frontyard Terrace
Califia EcodesignCalifia Ecodesign
Working with protected California Live Oaks to construct big liveable outdoor spaces for a home-schooled family of 5
Idee per un grande giardino xeriscape nordico esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in estate con sassi e rocce e graniglia di granito
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Verbena bonariensis - Eisenkraut - Argentinian vervain Stipa gigantea Thymus praecox Pinus mugo Santolina Lavandula Rocks Phlomis Clematis Magnolia Salvia
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Santolina chamaecyparissus - Heiligenkraut - Cotton lavender
Immagine di un giardino nordico esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con ghiaia
Stonehouse Meadow
Stonehouse Meadow
Lavish GardensLavish Gardens
Seedbeds and ornamental grasses catching the glow of the morning sunrise.
Ispirazione per un ampio giardino nordico esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in autunno
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Verbena bonariensis - Eisenkraut - Argentinian vervain
Foto di un giardino scandinavo esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con ghiaia
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Daucus carota - Wilde Möhre - Wild Carrot
Esempio di un giardino scandinavo esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Hummelheim - Insektenfreundlicher Familiengarten bei Berlin
Dendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung BerlinDendron Exterior Design - Gartengestaltung Berlin
Gaura lindheimeri - Prachtkerze Pinus mugo - Zwerg-Kiefer - Dwarf Pine
Immagine di un giardino scandinavo esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con ghiaia
Oak Studded Hills - Frontyard Terrace
Oak Studded Hills - Frontyard Terrace
Califia EcodesignCalifia Ecodesign
Working with protected California Live Oaks to construct big liveable outdoor spaces for a home-schooled family of 5
Ispirazione per un grande giardino xeriscape scandinavo esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in estate con sassi e rocce e graniglia di granito
Oak Studded Hills - Frontyard Terrace
Oak Studded Hills - Frontyard Terrace
Califia EcodesignCalifia Ecodesign
Working with protected California Live Oaks to construct big liveable outdoor spaces for a home-schooled family of 5
Esempio di un grande giardino xeriscape nordico esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa in estate con sassi e rocce e graniglia di granito
Our Work
Our Work
Vanderscapes IncVanderscapes Inc
Foto di un giardino nordico esposto a mezz'ombra di medie dimensioni e davanti casa con un ingresso o sentiero e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Scandinavian yard at the beach
Scandinavian yard at the beach
Sarita Landscape IncSarita Landscape Inc
Scandinavian yard built on a slight slope with sandy soil. A concrete driveway was poured with dark grey concrete and white gravel. It includes a small grass play area, planters made out of CorTen steen, a wood deck entrance and a succulent wall.

Giardini scandinavi davanti casa - Foto e idee

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