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801 Foto di taverne mediterranee

Lake of the Ozarks
Lake of the Ozarks
KNS DevelopmentKNS Development
KNS Development
Foto di una taverna mediterranea
Camino Santander
Camino Santander
Architectural Alliance LLCArchitectural Alliance LLC
Esempio di una taverna mediterranea interrata di medie dimensioni con pareti beige, camino classico e cornice del camino in intonaco
Berriz Design Build GroupBerriz Design Build Group
This dartboard is actually being used to cover the electric panel.
Immagine di una taverna mediterranea
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La Canada Custom Home
La Canada Custom Home
Mega BuildersMega Builders
Alon Toker
Foto di una grande taverna mediterranea
Queen Anne Mediterranean
Queen Anne Mediterranean
Proform BuildsProform Builds
Foto di una taverna mediterranea
Mediterranean Ranch Estate
Mediterranean Ranch Estate
Foto di una taverna mediterranea con pareti blu, pavimento in legno massello medio, pavimento marrone e sala giochi
La Paloma
La Paloma
Jay Andre Construction, Inc.Jay Andre Construction, Inc.
Foto di una taverna mediterranea con pavimento in cemento e pavimento grigio
Casa en la Costa Brava
Casa en la Costa Brava
dom arquitecturadom arquitectura
Foto di una taverna mediterranea
Cascina - Maristella - Cremona
Cascina - Maristella - Cremona
Idee per una grande taverna mediterranea seminterrata con pavimento in mattoni
Mediterranean Basement
Mediterranean Basement
Foto di una taverna mediterranea con pareti verdi, parquet scuro e angolo bar
Main Basement
Main Basement
This modern basement has a touch of mediterranean style with natural elements such as rock, wood & more. Plus, a beautiful custom built wine cellar & gym.
Lower Level Wet Bar and Barn Door
Lower Level Wet Bar and Barn Door
Jarrod Smart ConstructionJarrod Smart Construction
Home Builder: Jarrod Smart Construction Interior Designer: Designing Dreams by Ajay Photo Credit: Cipher Imaging
Immagine di una taverna mediterranea
Southern California Historic Beach Residence- Classic Traditional
Southern California Historic Beach Residence- Classic Traditional
Interior Design ImportsInterior Design Imports
An historic Spanish Colonial residence built in 1925 being redesigned and furnished for a modern-day Southern California family was the challenge. The interiors of the main house needed the backgrounds set and then a timeless collection created for its furnishings. Lifestyle was always a consideration as well as the interiors relating to the strong architecture of the residence. Natural colors such as terra cotta, tans, blues, greens, old red and soft vintage shades were incorporated throughout. Our goal was to maintain the historic character of the residence combining design elements and materials considered classic in Southern California Spanish Colonial architecture. Natural fiber textiles, leathers and woven linens were the predominated upholstery choices. A 7000 square foot basement was added and furnished to provide a gym, Star Wars theater, game areas, spa area and a simulator for indoor golf and other sports. Antiques were selected throughout the world, fine art from major galleries, custom reproductions fabricated in the old-world style. Collectible carpets were selected for the reclaimed hardwood flooring in all the areas. An estancia and garden over the basement were created and furnished with old world designs and materials as reclaimed woods, terra cotta and French limestone flooring.
640 Kessler Blvd W Dr
640 Kessler Blvd W Dr
Litz Real EstateLitz Real Estate
Immagine di un'ampia taverna mediterranea interrata con pareti grigie, moquette e pavimento grigio
Dana Point Custom Home
Dana Point Custom Home
Corbin Reeves ConstructionCorbin Reeves Construction
Idee per una taverna mediterranea interrata con pareti beige e pavimento beige
2008 Dream Home
2008 Dream Home
Homes by DesignHomes by Design
Esempio di una taverna mediterranea
Mediterranean Home
Mediterranean Home
Jessy Krol Designs LLCJessy Krol Designs LLC
Immagine di una taverna mediterranea interrata con pareti beige e moquette
Tuscan Treasure
Tuscan Treasure
Bowers Design BuildBowers Design Build
The new basement occupies the former basement and garage space. We dug out the foundation of the former garage to give the new basement more head height. The stairs lead to the new mud room and three car garage.
Summer Lake Floor Plan
Summer Lake Floor Plan
Starr HomesStarr Homes
Foto di una taverna mediterranea

801 Foto di taverne mediterranee

2008 Dream Home
2008 Dream Home
Homes by DesignHomes by Design
Foto di una taverna mediterranea di medie dimensioni con sbocco, pareti beige, pavimento in travertino, camino classico e cornice del camino in pietra
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