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133 Foto di grandi studi yoga

Now and Zen - Prayer Room
Now and Zen - Prayer Room
Drewett WorksDrewett Works
A clever wall treatment of stained oak serves as a gallery for displaying carved wood Hindu statues in a special prayer room where textured black wallpaper is lit up from behind. Project Details // Now and Zen Renovation, Paradise Valley, Arizona Architecture: Drewett Works Builder: Brimley Development Interior Designer: Ownby Design Photographer: Dino Tonn Millwork: Rysso Peters Limestone (Demitasse) flooring and walls: Solstice Stone Windows (Arcadia): Elevation Window & Door https://www.drewettworks.com/now-and-zen/
Exercise/Meditation Room
Exercise/Meditation Room
MC² The Science of DesignMC² The Science of Design
Esempio di un grande studio yoga mediterraneo con pareti beige, pavimento in travertino e pavimento marrone
Traditional Homes
Traditional Homes
Candelaria Design AssociatesCandelaria Design Associates
Dino Tonn
Idee per un grande studio yoga tradizionale con pareti bianche e pavimento in legno massello medio
Best of Houzz 2025: ecco i vincitori!
Yoga Studio
Yoga Studio
SHKS ArchitectsSHKS Architects
Carefully placed openings allow light to fill the interior while preserving a sense of privacy Photo Credit: Ben Benschneider
Immagine di un grande studio yoga minimal con pavimento in legno massello medio
Modern Mediterranean
Modern Mediterranean
Model RemodelModel Remodel
A home yoga studio in the basement for teaching group classes or personal practice.
Ispirazione per un grande studio yoga minimal con pareti gialle e pavimento in sughero
Ravenna Contemporary Dwelling
Ravenna Contemporary Dwelling
Workshop EstatesWorkshop Estates
Ispirazione per un grande studio yoga minimalista con pareti bianche, parquet chiaro e pavimento marrone
Urbanology DesignsUrbanology Designs
Daniel Martinez Photography
Immagine di un grande studio yoga design con pareti bianche e parquet chiaro
Straw Bale Sanctuary
Straw Bale Sanctuary
Cristee-Meade Building CompanyCristee-Meade Building Company
Immagine di un grande studio yoga stile rurale con pareti viola, pavimento in legno massello medio e pavimento marrone
Just Say Omm
Just Say Omm
Houseplay Renovations LLCHouseplay Renovations LLC
This Jersey City, NJ space was the first permanent ‘home’ for the yoga studio, so it was essential for us to listen well and design a space to serve their needs for years to come. Through our design process, we helped to guide the owners through the fit-out of their new studio location that required minimal demolition and disruption to the existing space. Together, we converted a space originally used as a preschool into a welcoming, spacious yoga studio for local yogis. We created one main yoga studio by combining four small classrooms into a single larger space with new walls, while all the other program spaces (including designated areas for holistic treatments, massage, and bodywork) were accommodated into pre-existing rooms. Our team completed all demo, sheetrock, electrical, and painting aspects of the project. (The studio owners did some of the work themselves, and a different company installed the flooring and carpets.) The results speak for themselves: a peaceful, restorative space to facilitate health and healing for the studio’s community. Looking to renovate your place of business? Contact the Houseplay team; we’ll help make it happen! Photo Credit: Anne Ruthmann Photography
Yoga Studio Lounge Area
Yoga Studio Lounge Area
Studio H, Inc.Studio H, Inc.
Esempio di un grande studio yoga tradizionale con pareti verdi, pavimento in bambù e pavimento marrone
Basement Remodel - TV Room w/ Bar & Desk + Workout Room & 3/4 Bathroom
Basement Remodel - TV Room w/ Bar & Desk + Workout Room & 3/4 Bathroom
The Cleary CompanyThe Cleary Company
Basic workout room is simple but functional for clients' need to stay fit.
Ispirazione per un grande studio yoga chic con pareti bianche, pavimento in vinile e pavimento grigio
Verdant Living- Yoga Studio
Verdant Living- Yoga Studio
LDa Architecture & InteriorsLDa Architecture & Interiors
TEAM Developer: Green Phoenix Development Architect: LDa Architecture & Interiors Interior Design: LDa Architecture & Interiors Builder: Essex Restoration Home Stager: BK Classic Collections Home Stagers Photographer: Greg Premru Photography
CT Midcentury Home Yoga Studio
CT Midcentury Home Yoga Studio
Holly Hager at CuratiousHolly Hager at Curatious
An oversized abstract painting assures that this home yoga studio always heats the Ch’i. Like the expansive windows, the art brings the outside in. Its warm yellow, red, green, and pink strokes inspire a deeper practice with their continuous motion.
Victoria Park Extension
Victoria Park Extension
Monica Tostes DesignMonica Tostes Design
Esempio di un grande studio yoga minimal con pareti beige, parquet chiaro, pavimento beige e soffitto ribassato
Watermark Showhome
Watermark Showhome
Restage Home StagingRestage Home Staging
Idee per un grande studio yoga contemporaneo con pareti bianche
Beach House Renovation
Beach House Renovation
Pamela Macior, LLCPamela Macior, LLC
Home gym/yoga studio with indestructible materials. Leads to the ground floor outdoor living room and into separate his and hers garages. Just outside the door is the Ocean and an outdoor shower. True serenity.
Soft Contemporary Custom Home in Bellaire, Texas
Soft Contemporary Custom Home in Bellaire, Texas
Purser ArchitecturalPurser Architectural
Purser Architectural Custom Home Design built by Tommy Cashiola Custom Homes
Foto di un grande studio yoga design con pareti grigie, moquette e pavimento grigio
Orange County Residence
Orange County Residence
Riviera Bronze Mfg.Riviera Bronze Mfg.
Immagine di un grande studio yoga con pareti bianche e pavimento in legno massello medio
Mediterranean Home Gym
Mediterranean Home Gym
Ispirazione per un grande studio yoga mediterraneo con pareti bianche, pavimento in legno massello medio e pavimento marrone

133 Foto di grandi studi yoga

Snohomish Estate
Snohomish Estate
Board & VellumBoard & Vellum
Photo by Kirsten Robertson.
Immagine di un grande studio yoga classico con pareti bianche e pavimento beige
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