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9.688 Foto di case e interni scandinavi

Immagine della villa bianca scandinava a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in legno, tetto a capanna e copertura a scandole
Organistgränd 28
Organistgränd 28
Immagine di un patio o portico nordico
Parisian poudre
Parisian poudre
Foto di una cameretta per neonati nordica
Best of Houzz 2025: ecco i vincitori!
the courtyard House
the courtyard House
Atelier SUNAtelier SUN
Esempio della facciata di una casa grande scandinava
HGTV's Dream Home 2022
HGTV's Dream Home 2022
Big Country BuiltBig Country Built
Esempio della facciata di una casa scandinava
Årsbacken 2
Årsbacken 2
Wrede FastighetsmäkleriWrede Fastighetsmäkleri
Idee per la facciata di una casa rossa scandinava a un piano di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in mattoni e tetto piano
Modern Scandinavian home
Modern Scandinavian home
Kelly Ann PhotographyKelly Ann Photography
modern Scandinavian exterior, mixed materials concrete and wood
Immagine della villa bianca scandinava a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in legno, copertura a scandole, tetto grigio e pannelli e listelle di legno
Saltwater Renovation
Saltwater Renovation
Market Square Architects PLLCMarket Square Architects PLLC
Esempio della villa bianca scandinava a quattro piani con rivestimenti misti
North Toronto Addition
North Toronto Addition
ASQUITH ArchitectureASQUITH Architecture
Photography: Nanne Springer
Immagine della facciata di una casa scandinava
Un séjour scandinave aux tonalités bohèmes
Un séjour scandinave aux tonalités bohèmes
Solène Guillot décorationSolène Guillot décoration
Un style scandinave twisté de détails ethniques tendances (coussins am.pm et paniers africains, tapis berbère). Au mur, un beau bleu Atoll profond.
Esempio di un piccolo soggiorno nordico aperto con pareti blu, pavimento in legno massello medio e pavimento marrone
Diego Pacheco Design PracticeDiego Pacheco Design Practice
Roof Deck
Foto di una terrazza scandinava sul tetto con nessuna copertura
Poulsbo Primary Bathroom
Poulsbo Primary Bathroom
Assured Accuracy, LLCAssured Accuracy, LLC
The primary bathroom was completely remodeled, but the footprint stayed the same. It consists of a new vanity with marble countertops, new lighting, new glass shower door, new tile bathroom (with inset), and new heated tile flooring.
Churn Creek
Churn Creek
Create ConstructionCreate Construction
Immagine di case e interni nordici
Show Home Dublin 18
Show Home Dublin 18
Interiors AtelierInteriors Atelier
Esempio di una camera da letto scandinava
Deco Blue 4477
Deco Blue 4477
Foto di una camera da letto nordica
Mueller Modern Scandinavian Farmhouse | Featured On Dwell
Mueller Modern Scandinavian Farmhouse | Featured On Dwell
Breathe Design StudioBreathe Design Studio
Completed in 2015, this project incorporates a Scandinavian vibe to enhance the modern architecture and farmhouse details. The vision was to create a balanced and consistent design to reflect clean lines and subtle rustic details, which creates a calm sanctuary. The whole home is not based on a design aesthetic, but rather how someone wants to feel in a space, specifically the feeling of being cozy, calm, and clean. This home is an interpretation of modern design without focusing on one specific genre; it boasts a midcentury master bedroom, stark and minimal bathrooms, an office that doubles as a music den, and modern open concept on the first floor. It’s the winner of the 2017 design award from the Austin Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and has been on the Tribeza Home Tour; in addition to being published in numerous magazines such as on the cover of Austin Home as well as Dwell Magazine, the cover of Seasonal Living Magazine, Tribeza, Rue Daily, HGTV, Hunker Home, and other international publications. Featured on Dwell! https://www.dwell.com/article/sustainability-is-the-centerpiece-of-this-new-austin-development-071e1a55
Sommarhus Stora Gasmora
Sommarhus Stora Gasmora
LLP arkitektkontor ABLLP arkitektkontor AB
Åke Eson Lindman
Esempio della facciata di una casa beige scandinava a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimento in legno e tetto a capanna

9.688 Foto di case e interni scandinavi

Barbara Hill, Designer :: Dance Hall Redux - Marfa, Texas
Barbara Hill, Designer :: Dance Hall Redux - Marfa, Texas
The Value Of ArchitectureThe Value Of Architecture
Corinne de Korver Photography
Foto di una camera da letto nordica con pareti bianche, parquet chiaro e nessun camino
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