9.441 Foto di case e interni etnici
Severine Secret Interiors - Go2 Design Studio
Immagine della villa grande grigia etnica a un piano con rivestimenti misti, copertura a scandole, tetto nero e scale
Southwest Boulder & Stone
Award-winning Japanese landscape designer Kohei Owatari uses natural elements like water and stone to create relaxing environments amid modern life. A reverence for nature marks this eco-friendly and creative landscape design, where meandering pathways perfectly complement clean geometric lines and patterns. Natural stone was the ideal material to deepen the connection with the natural world. The unique leaf-shaped patio and the custom water trough are key elements that showcase Kohei’s exceptional creativity and design sense.
darleen wong
The new Chinese blue wall has been applied with custom millwork to create that 3D elegant effect. The square pattern wraps around that entire wall. It can be seen from the entrance, living room, dining room and kitchen. It's bold colour and large squares gave this newly opened concept home the division it needed without feeling like heavy. The red accents help balance the temperature of the colour palette.
Holmes Fine Gardens
This early-phase Japanese-inspired garden draws from the Buddhist, Shinto, and Taoist philosophies and combines the basic elements of plants, water, and rocks along with simple, clean lines to create a tranquil backyard retreat. Plant material used includes Japanese varieties of trees, shrubs and perennials woven together to create interest throughout each season.
Foto della facciata di una casa piccola bianca etnica a tre piani con rivestimento in cemento, copertura in metallo o lamiera, tetto blu e pannelli e listelle di legno
親世帯と子世帯がお互いの気配を感じながら、程よい生活の間合いを保っている二世帯住 宅です。「和風の住まいがほしい、でもコンクリート造でお願いします」との要望があって、 和風建築の要素である光や影をコンセプトに路地空間・格子や下地窓による光の制御・杉 板コンクリートを使った木質感・季節の変化を植栽等によって表現した建築です。二つの ボリュームの各世帯は中庭を介してお互いのプライバシーが程よい距離感を保っています
DREAMSCAPES Landscape and Design
Esempio di un piccolo giardino xeriscape etnico dietro casa con fontane e pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
株式会社 杉坂建築事務所
Foto di grandi case e interni etnici
Foto di grandi case e interni etnici
Interieursalon GmbH
Eben so extravagant wie schlicht beeindruckt die Aussengestaltung durch die Kombination von Aussenpool und Zengarten-Motiven. So entsteht eine eigene Welt, eine Wellness-Oase die den asiatischen Spirit nach Europa holt.
Interieursalon GmbH
Eben so extravagant wie schlicht beeindruckt die Aussengestaltung durch die Kombination von Aussenpool und Zengarten-Motiven. So entsteht eine eigene Welt, eine Wellness-Oase die den asiatischen Spirit nach Europa holt.
風工房 一級建築士事務所
Photo by kazekoubou
Ispirazione per la facciata di una casa marrone etnica con tetto a capanna
Ispirazione per la facciata di una casa marrone etnica con tetto a capanna
Ispirazione per la facciata di una casa bianca etnica a due piani di medie dimensioni con rivestimenti misti e tetto piano
John Kraemer & Sons
Builder: John Kraemer & Sons | Interior Design: Jennifer Hedberg of Exquisite Interiors | Photography: Jim Kruger of Landmark Photography
Foto della facciata di una casa beige etnica a un piano di medie dimensioni con rivestimenti misti
Foto della facciata di una casa beige etnica a un piano di medie dimensioni con rivestimenti misti
9.441 Foto di case e interni etnici