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Immagine di un grande soggiorno design con cornice del camino in pietra, pareti marroni, camino classico e tappeto
De Meza + Architecture
De Meza + Architecture
Valutazione media: 4.6 di 5 stelle14 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Fieldstone Guest Cottage

The Fieldstone Cottage is the culmination of collaboration between DM+A and our clients. Having a contractor as a client is a blessed thing. Here, some dreams come true. Here ideas and materials that couldn’t be incorporated in the much larger house were brought seamlessly together. The 640 square foot cottage stands only 25 feet from the bigger, more costly “Older Brother”, but stands alone in its own right. When our Clients commissioned DM+A for the project the direction was simple; make the cottage appear to be a companion to the main house, but be more frugal in the space and material used. The solution was to have one large living, working and sleeping area with a small, but elegant bathroom. The design imagery was about collision of materials and the form that emits from that collision. The furnishings and decorative lighting are the work of Caterina Spies-Reese of CSR Design. Photography by Mariko Reed

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Colleen M lo ha aggiunto a lounge area16 gennaio 2025

Wet/dry bar and custom built ins, nice wood shade

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