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Immagine di un cucina con isola centrale scandinavo con ante lisce, ante bianche, paraspruzzi bianco, paraspruzzi con lastra di vetro, elettrodomestici da incasso e pavimento in legno massello medio
Valutazione media: 3.7 di 5 stelle3 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Doors for private residential

We produce every door in-house at our production in Denmark, which grants us the opportunity to produce and develop new ideas. This gives the option to use a wide spread of materials, of course some are more common than others, but we more or less create what is asked as long the functionality is not compromised. Typical materials we use are: pine, teak, mahogany, birch, ash and both dark and light oak. The coating of the surface is specific to almost every project. It can be natural, oiled, lacquered, painted or another new method. The natural looking surfaces are made as veneered or solid wood constructions - depending on the task. The flexibility is wide! We always seek to use the best of materials, to be certain about the great quality of the product, which lasts many years of use.
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