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Cucine con ante in legno bruno - Foto e idee per arredare

Corazzolla Arredamenti su MisuraCorazzolla Arredamenti su Misura
Basi cucina in olmo e colonne in laccato sono disposte lungo le pareti, mentre centralmente si sviluppa l‘isola con piano snack in marmotex. Grande particolarità è data dalla scelta di movimentare gli spazi attraverso la personalizzazione della parete di fondo utilizzando un rivestimento dal pattern geometrico bianco e grigio.
Tommaso Giunchi ArchitettiTommaso Giunchi Architetti
isola con piano snack in marmo collemandina Cucina di Key Cucine Rivestimento pareti in noce canaletto Colonne e cucina in Fenix nero
Foto di una grande cucina minimalista con ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, top in marmo, paraspruzzi nero, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in cemento, 2 o più isole, pavimento grigio, top grigio e parquet e piastrelle
Ramoin Kitchen
Ramoin Kitchen
Noble RenovationNoble Renovation
This nook area used to be the old porch area.. big /massive changes happened on this project
Immagine di una grande cucina contemporanea con lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, top in quarzo composito, paraspruzzi bianco, paraspruzzi con piastrelle di vetro, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, parquet chiaro e top bianco
Best of Houzz 2025: ecco i vincitori!
Inspired Closets NashvilleInspired Closets Nashville
Esempio di una cucina chic con ante in stile shaker, ante in legno bruno e nessuna isola
Cascadia Renovation
Cascadia Renovation
Karen Ellentuck. ASIDKaren Ellentuck. ASID
This kitchen was in a home dating from the early 20th century and located in the Mt. Baker neighborhood of Seattle. It is u-shaped with an island in the center topped with a zinc counter. Black and white tile was used on the floor in a tradition pattern with hexagon as the inset and a black and white border with a square mosaic around the perimeter framing the island. Cabinetry is inset traditional style with the hardware on the exterior. the base of each cabinet is framed with a footed detail. Base cabinet were painted with teal, upper cabinets are white and the full height cabinets are mahogany which is used throughout the residence. A tradition style faucet was used with the pull out attached. Cup pulls are used on the drawers and knobs have a back plate.
Rénovation d'un appartement de 280m2
Rénovation d'un appartement de 280m2
Immagine di una cucina minimal con lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, paraspruzzi nero, paraspruzzi in lastra di pietra, elettrodomestici da incasso, parquet chiaro, pavimento beige, top nero e soffitto ribassato
Mid-Century Modern Rehabilitation
Mid-Century Modern Rehabilitation
Herron Horton Architects, Inc.Herron Horton Architects, Inc.
Kitchen with walnut cabinets and screen constructed by Woodunique.
Foto di una grande cucina minimalista con lavello sottopiano, ante in legno bruno, top in quarzo composito, paraspruzzi blu, paraspruzzi con piastrelle in ceramica, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, parquet scuro, nessuna isola, top bianco, travi a vista, soffitto a volta, ante lisce e pavimento marrone
Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills
Ottolia & Barnes ArchitectureOttolia & Barnes Architecture
Foto di una grande cucina country con top in quarzo composito, paraspruzzi multicolore, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, 2 o più isole, pavimento in legno massello medio, ante in legno bruno, paraspruzzi con piastrelle di cemento, pavimento marrone, lavello sottopiano, top bianco e ante con riquadro incassato
Parade of Homes - Spring 2017
Parade of Homes - Spring 2017
Paradigm Construction CompanyParadigm Construction Company
Esempio di una grande cucina moderna con parquet chiaro, lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, top in quarzite, paraspruzzi beige, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile e pavimento beige
Tenhulzen ResidentialTenhulzen Residential
Reconfiguration of the exising kitchen/living room area yielded a more gracious entertaining space with unobstructed views and natural lighting. The pre-finished flooring is a 5" width plank from Dansk Hardwood: Vintage Birch Hard-scraped Solid in the "Toast" finish with satin sheen. Last I checked, it was discontinued by the manufacturer.
McClellan | TelloneMcClellan | Tellone
Immagine di una grande cucina design con lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, top in marmo, paraspruzzi grigio, paraspruzzi in lastra di pietra, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in gres porcellanato, pavimento bianco e top grigio
Earthy Modern Minimalist
Earthy Modern Minimalist
Linette Dai DesignLinette Dai Design
Foto di una cucina minimalista con lavello stile country, ante in stile shaker, ante in legno bruno, paraspruzzi bianco, paraspruzzi in lastra di pietra, elettrodomestici da incasso, pavimento in cemento, pavimento grigio e top bianco
Legacy Woods - Tuscan Villa
Legacy Woods - Tuscan Villa
Visbeen ArchitectsVisbeen Architects
Leave a legacy. Reminiscent of Tuscan villas and country homes that dot the lush Italian countryside, this enduring European-style design features a lush brick courtyard with fountain, a stucco and stone exterior and a classic clay tile roof. Roman arches, arched windows, limestone accents and exterior columns add to its timeless and traditional appeal. The equally distinctive first floor features a heart-of-the-home kitchen with a barrel-vaulted ceiling covering a large central island and a sitting/hearth room with fireplace. Also featured are a formal dining room, a large living room with a beamed and sloped ceiling and adjacent screened-in porch and a handy pantry or sewing room. Rounding out the first-floor offerings are an exercise room and a large master bedroom suite with his-and-hers closets. A covered terrace off the master bedroom offers a private getaway. Other nearby outdoor spaces include a large pergola and terrace and twin two-car garages. The spacious lower-level includes a billiards area, home theater, a hearth room with fireplace that opens out into a spacious patio, a handy kitchenette and two additional bedroom suites. You’ll also find a nearby playroom/bunk room and adjacent laundry.
Cortona Kitchen
Cortona Kitchen
This Westlake site posed several challenges that included managing a sloping lot and capturing the views of downtown Austin in specific locations on the lot, while staying within the height restrictions. The service and garages split in two, buffering the less private areas of the lot creating an inner courtyard. The ancillary rooms are organized around this court leading up to the entertaining areas. The main living areas serve as a transition to a private natural vegetative bluff on the North side. Breezeways and terraces connect the various outdoor living spaces feeding off the great room and dining, balancing natural light and summer breezes to the interior spaces. The private areas are located on the upper level, organized in an inverted “u”, maximizing the best views on the lot. The residence represents a programmatic collaboration of the clients’ needs and subdivision restrictions while engaging the unique features of the lot. Built by Butterfield Custom Homes Photography by Adam Steiner
Modern Farm House
Modern Farm House
Paul Lopa DesignsPaul Lopa Designs
Foto di una grande cucina industriale con lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, paraspruzzi grigio, elettrodomestici neri, parquet chiaro, pavimento beige e top grigio
Modern Design and Outdoor Living
Modern Design and Outdoor Living
Freestyle InteriorsFreestyle Interiors
Ispirazione per una grande cucina moderna con lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, elettrodomestici da incasso, pavimento in gres porcellanato, 2 o più isole, pavimento beige e top bianco
Triton Project 1
Triton Project 1
Leili Design StudioLeili Design Studio
Foto di una grande cucina a L design con lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, top in quarzite, paraspruzzi multicolore, paraspruzzi con piastrelle a mosaico, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in gres porcellanato, 2 o più isole e pavimento beige
The Greenhills House
The Greenhills House
Turn DesignTurn Design
Kitchen Built Photo
Ispirazione per una grande cucina moderna con lavello a doppia vasca, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, top in quarzite, paraspruzzi bianco, paraspruzzi con piastrelle in ceramica, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in cemento e pavimento grigio
New SW18 house
New SW18 house
Immagine di una cucina industriale di medie dimensioni con lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante in legno bruno, paraspruzzi con lastra di vetro, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in cemento e pavimento grigio

Cucine con ante in legno bruno - Foto e idee per arredare

Louis Kitchen
Louis Kitchen
Alair Homes PlanoAlair Homes Plano
This couple moved to Plano to be closer to their kids and grandchildren. When they purchased the home, they knew that the kitchen would have to be improved as they love to cook and gather as a family. The storage and prep space was not working for them and the old stove had to go! They loved the gas range that they had in their previous home and wanted to have that range again. We began this remodel by removing a wall in the butlers pantry to create a more open space. We tore out the old cabinets and soffit and replaced them with cherry Kraftmaid cabinets all the way to the ceiling. The cabinets were designed to house tons of deep drawers for ease of access and storage. We combined the once separated laundry and utility office space into one large laundry area with storage galore. Their new kitchen and laundry space is now super functional and blends with the adjacent family room. Photography by Versatile Imaging (Lauren Brown)
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