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Ispirazione per una cucina tradizionale con ante lisce, ante grigie, paraspruzzi bianco, pavimento in legno massello medio, pavimento marrone e top bianco
Extreme Design
Extreme Design
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle6 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Contemporary kitchen for Kensington Apartment

These 11 uniquely appointed apartments & single town house residence are located in the vibrant, cosmopolitan scene of London’s Royal Kensington. The interior demanded a treatment to reflect the location at the heart of the world’s cultural capital, a place of palaces and history, of artists and poets, of music and sciences. Many of the apartments benefit from restoration of the original period features. Exceptional ceiling heights, decorative cornices, original fireplaces & traditional sash windows have been preserved & reinstated throughout this beautiful building. Classic and contemporary styles blend harmoniously throughout the interiors of the properties, thoughtfully designed by Henley Space, and whilst each property follows a similar scheme the treatment of each is unique.
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