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Esempio di una cantina chic con rastrelliere portabottiglie
OLSON LEWIS + Architects
OLSON LEWIS + Architects
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle8 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Cliffside Residence

This shingle-style home is one room “deep” throughout, so that every space has views of offshore island and rocky coastline. Casual family living spaces embrace a busy-but-barefoot lifestyle. The bright and welcoming kitchen-dining-living area is the center of the home. Formal rooms flank the front entrance hall, including the living room, interconnected dining room and library-study. Beyond the public area is fully appointed kitchen and butler’s pantry, then the casual family wing with its informal eating area, family room, porch and screened bluestone patio. Contractor: Carl Anderson, Anderson Contracting Services Photographer: Dan Gair/Blind Dog Photo, Inc.
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