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Camerette per Bambini e Neonati ampie con pavimento multicolore - Foto e idee per arredare

Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Childrens Rooms
Childrens Rooms
Indian Wells InteriorsIndian Wells Interiors
Foto di un'ampia cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni design con pareti multicolore, moquette, pavimento multicolore e carta da parati
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!
Schmidt Playrooms
Schmidt Playrooms
Taylor Wilkins Interior DesignTaylor Wilkins Interior Design
This playroom is fun, BRIGHT, and playful. I added a built-in the wraps around a corner of the room to store toys and books. I even included a reading nook. The ombre shiplap wall is the star of the show!

Camerette per Bambini e Neonati ampie con pavimento multicolore - Foto e idee per arredare

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