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Robeson Design
Robeson Design
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Bedrooms By Robeson Design

The Master Dressing room in this Master suit is the center space between the Bedroom and Bathroom/ Closet space. X beam in the ceiling supports an amazing pendant light which hangs above the oval shaped ottoman where our clients daughters can hang out while mom gets ready for her day. Tile floors sparkle and white marble countertops glisten as oval shaped vessel sinks perch atop complete with bright and shiny chrome bathroom fixtures complete the look of this sophisticated Master Bathroom. Diamond glass tile and mirrors stack on top of custom Espresso stained vanities. Frosted French Pocket Doors, slide open to reveal a romantic and sophisticated Master Bed covered in White cotton bedding. An oval shaped mirror hangs over the bed. Wood stain in this Master Bedroom is a dark espresso wood stain. Master bedroom in Espresso, Grey and White, Modern, Luxurious Master Bedroom. David Hartig Photography
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