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Idee per la facciata di una casa grigia contemporanea a due piani con rivestimenti misti

BDAA National Design Awards 2019 - Weathertex Industry Partner Award

The knock down & rebuild revolution is here to stay. This new modern family home replaces a tired old house that was not designed to capitalise on its location, whereas this new contemporary modern building has been designed to capitalise on the natural environment – natural sunlight, sea breezes & sea views, to create a very liveable coastal family home. This new residence with its contemporary coastal styling utilises the natural finishes of modern materials to ground this family home’s context into this locations evolving executive seaside neighbourhood. This buildings design is a balance of form & function with a deliberate consideration of passive solar liveable design techniques, designed to capture the natural sunlight, sea breezes & sea views that this property offers. This new residence has been designed with a variety of indoor & outdoor living areas to capitalise on the natural environment & climate of this property’s location. This house incorporates design elements to allow the house to be comfortable all year round, providing a variety of areas for occupants to utilise, whether it be capturing natural sunlight & warmth in winter, creating cooling cross ventilation from sea breezes in summer & then there is the direct access to a beautifully natural landscaped garden, this new house will provide the occupants with a low maintenance, healthy living environment for years to come.
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