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Immagine di una grande stanza da bagno padronale american style con ante in stile shaker, ante grigie, piastrelle bianche, piastrelle diamantate, pareti grigie, lavabo sottopiano, top grigio, vasca da incasso, doccia doppia, WC monopezzo, pavimento in marmo, top in marmo e porta doccia a battente
Jennifer Coyle Interior Design
Jennifer Coyle Interior Design
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle6 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Bathroom Designs

This master bathroom was a such a pleasure to design. The split level marble vanity adds depth and character to the space. Polished nickel hardware keeps the space feeling classic along with the polished nickel drawer handles. Crystal knobs add a splash of elegance alone with the beaded oval nickel bathroom mirrors. The polished nickel wall sconces feel like they where original to the house. Subway tile was used in the shower and the face of the bathtub to keep with historical design elements of this 1906 beauty.
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