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Balconi vittoriani - Foto e idee

Round Hill
Round Hill
Meyer & Meyer, Inc. Architecture and InteriorsMeyer & Meyer, Inc. Architecture and Interiors
The unique site, 11 acres on a peninsula with breathtaking views of the ocean, inspired Meyer & Meyer to break the mold of waterside shingle-style homes. The estate is comprised of a main house, guest house, and existing bunker. The design of the main house involves projecting wings that appear to grow out of the hillside and spread outward toward three sides of ocean views. Architecture and landscape merge as exterior stairways and bridges provide connections to a network of paths leading to the beaches at each point. An enduring palette of local stone, salt-washed wood, and purple-green slate reflects the muted and changeable seaside hues. This beach-side retreat offers ever-changing views from windows, terraces, decks, and pathways. Tucked into the design are unexpected touches such as a hideaway wine room and a nautically-inspired crow’s nest.
Our Portfolio
Our Portfolio
Masse GroupMasse Group
Ispirazione per un grande balcone vittoriano con un tetto a sbalzo
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Holland Park House Renovation
Holland Park House Renovation
TylerMandic LtdTylerMandic Ltd
TylerMandic Ltd
Esempio di un balcone vittoriano di medie dimensioni con nessuna copertura
A Licorice House - Vancouver Painted Lady
A Licorice House - Vancouver Painted Lady
Warline Painting Ltd.Warline Painting Ltd.
Esempio di un balcone vittoriano con un tetto a sbalzo
Grade II Victorian Town House, Chelsea
Grade II Victorian Town House, Chelsea
Le Lay ArchitectsLe Lay Architects
Matt Clayton
Immagine di un piccolo balcone vittoriano con nessuna copertura e parapetto in metallo
Classic Shingle Style House
Classic Shingle Style House
Barnes Vanze Architects, Inc.Barnes Vanze Architects, Inc.
Anice Hoachlander from Hoachlander Davis Photography, LLC Principal Architect: Anthony "Ankie" Barnes, AIA, LEED AP Project Architect: William Wheeler, AIA
Residental house Moscow
Residental house Moscow
Gonchar & LobyntsevaGonchar & Lobyntseva
светопрозрачный навес террасы из закаленного стекла на спайдерах, покрытие террасы из бетонных плит, окрашенных в массе
Ispirazione per un balcone vittoriano di medie dimensioni con una pergola e parapetto in metallo
A NEW PROJECT! Classic Seaside Shingle Style
A NEW PROJECT! Classic Seaside Shingle Style
Taste Design IncTaste Design Inc
Photography: Nat Rea
Immagine di un balcone vittoriano con un tetto a sbalzo
Berzeliigatan 13A
Berzeliigatan 13A
Christoffer Duff
Idee per un balcone vittoriano
Spanish Wells - Brams Point
Spanish Wells - Brams Point
Randy Jeffcoat Builders, Inc.Randy Jeffcoat Builders, Inc.
John McManus
Idee per un grande balcone vittoriano
B&B Balcony
B&B Balcony
Sonya Highfield PhotographySonya Highfield Photography
copyright Sonya Highfield Photography
Foto di un balcone vittoriano con nessuna copertura
Victoria Gardens House
Victoria Gardens House
Lucy Clemenger ArchitectsLucy Clemenger Architects
Photography: Shannon McGrath Styling: Leesa O'Reilly
Idee per un balcone vittoriano di medie dimensioni con parapetto in metallo
Traditional Porch
Traditional Porch
Idee per un balcone vittoriano con un tetto a sbalzo
Joseph ClymerJoseph Clymer
Immagine di un piccolo balcone vittoriano con nessuna copertura e parapetto in metallo
Djupedalsgatan 6
Djupedalsgatan 6
Bjurfors GöteborgBjurfors Göteborg
Foto: Alen Cordic Styling: Bon Interiör
Foto di un balcone vittoriano
Hälsovägen 11 #2
Hälsovägen 11 #2
Bjurfors SkåneBjurfors Skåne
Idee per un balcone vittoriano

Balconi vittoriani - Foto e idee

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