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Idee per una grande cameretta per bambini stile rurale con pareti bianche e pavimento in legno massello medio
Randy Trainor
Randy Trainor
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle10 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Alpine Ski Home

This three-story vacation home for a family of ski enthusiasts features 5 bedrooms and a six-bed bunk room, 5 1/2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, great room, 2 wet bars, great room, exercise room, basement game room, office, mud room, ski work room, decks, stone patio with sunken hot tub, garage, and elevator. The home sits into an extremely steep, half-acre lot that shares a property line with a ski resort and allows for ski-in, ski-out access to the mountain’s 61 trails. This unique location and challenging terrain informed the home’s siting, footprint, program, design, interior design, finishes, and custom made furniture. Credit: Samyn-D'Elia Architects Project designed by Franconia interior designer Randy Trainor. She also serves the New Hampshire Ski Country, Lake Regions and Coast, including Lincoln, North Conway, and Bartlett. For more about Randy Trainor, click here: https://crtinteriors.com/ To learn more about this project, click here: https://crtinteriors.com/ski-country-chic/

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