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Help! cant figure out sitting room layout?

7 anni fa

Hi, any advice on configuring this room. The offset fireplace (left-hand wall), narrow nature of the room all mean we can't get the layout right. I've marked how we have things now But imagine it was a blank slate, what furniture would you use and how would you lay them out?


Commenti (4)

  • PRO
    Kharis & Kale Interiors
    7 anni fa

    Hi Phil there are a number of factors that need to be considered first such as

    : what do you use the room for; how many people use the room, adults, children etc; do you use the fireplace. Also it looks like there are a couple of door openings to other rooms on the left wall and the top?

    Phil ha ringraziato Kharis & Kale Interiors
  • PRO
    Create Perfect
    7 anni fa

    Hi Phil,

    There is so much to consider to get spatial planning right.

    With out clients, for this room, we would take lots into account including what's outside those lovely windows, the position of lightings (natural and artificial), how you and other people use and move around the space, what already exists in the space and how all of the elements interact with each other. I think you need to have a real play around with all those points and maybe try printing the plan out, cutting out furniture pieces and putting it together like a jigsaw to think about the pieces individually. Take advantage of those windows and other elements you like in the space.

    Alternatively we, and propably many other interior designers, offer services for spacial planning or consulting services which will ensure the space is truly fit and funcational for your needs.

    I wish you all the best and do keep us posted on the finished room! :)

    Phil ha ringraziato Create Perfect
  • Jonathan
    7 anni fa
    There is a lot of sitting space in the room and a lot of doors..... It makes me wonder is this was originally a smaller house with a lounge designed for fewer people..... Someone I know extended their house and decided that since the room in the middle got used as a cut through they put the living area elsewhere and used this room as a dining room
    Phil ha ringraziato Jonathan
  • Phil
    Autore originale
    7 anni fa

    Thanks for comments so far. The room is used as a reception room when we have guests. So 4 to 6 people. We don't have a tv in this room.

    We want a configuration where you can have people around and be able to have a conversation.


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